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TOPPING E30USB DAC 32bit-768kHz / DSD512 XMOSTopping's E30 is a USB DAC with very compact dimensions and surprising performances for its size. It uses a AK4493 DAC chip which is among the most famous compopents in High Fidelity Audio for this purpose. It also uses a Xmos interface providing a clear and transparent connection to any digital sources with a USB output. Topping has not forgotten to work on the product looks, since the E30 has an elegant and readable display accompanied by a beautiful touch control button. Review by Audio Science ReviewDistortion levels are incredibly low at -120 dB and lower. The addition of noise takes SINAD down to 112 dB which is most competent for a small little DAC like this:AK4493 DACXMOS USBDigital to Analog audio conversion uses a AK4493EQ 32-bit Dac chip. This modernized version of the famous AK4490EQ benefits from better distortion and signal-noise ration than its parent while keeping all the technologies that made it popular. It includes the famous Velvet Sound technology with increasingly accurate digital filters. The USB input is controlled by a XMOS interface that enables to properly support very high sampling frequencies (up to 768kHz 16 and 32bit). This component also provides native DSDcompatibility up to DSD512 in addition to the DOP256 support. These components are rigorously integrated and allow the E30 to achieve a clear signal with an extremely low distortion rate of 0.0003%, less than -130dB crosstalk, 121dB signal noise ratio and 119dB measured dynamic range. This kind of performance is usually found in more expensive and bulky equipment. Impressive connectivity for its sizeUnlike the majority of compact DACs that use a micro USB port, Topping gave its E30 an USB-B port. Thus giving it is a great advantage in terms of robustness and lifespan over its competitors. The eneregy requirements are low enough to allow direct power supply through the USB port. There is also a DC jack which is ideal for connecting the E30 to any Hi-Fi grade power-supply (LPSU) without using any adapter. A Coaxial SPDIF and an Optical SPDIF input enable the DAC E30 to work with external digital sources. Multiple devices (CD player, TV, media platform or game console) can be connected and enjoy its excellent audio decoding capability. The touch button on the front panel can be used to change the active source. The source selection can also be done using the included infra-red remote control. The output is a simple RCA stereo connector with variable volume. Infrared remote controlThe E30 comes with an sober infra-red remote to control all its functions remotely. This is a very rare feature in this price range.

Denumiri similare la Media convertor TOPPING E30 (DAC): E 30 DAC, E30DAC, E 30 (DAC), E30 ( DAC)



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